One of the most convenient ways to use your RentMaxPro account is on your phone or tablet. To make it even easier, just add an icon for the program straight onto your home screen, then you can just tap on the icon and it will take you straight to the […]
Category: Getting Started
Before you can set up a new lease you need two things: a vacant rental unit (vacant for the dates for which you want a lease) and an unleased tenant to put into it. Once you have both of those set up, either go to Properties -> Create a New […]
Before you can start to enter expenses, you need to set up the payment methods that you will use for those expenses. You will also need to set up the bank accounts so that you can attach those payments to an account. You should do this even if you don’t […]
Setting up a new unit is very similar to setting up a new building, the main difference is that this WILL be visible to your tenants and prospective tenants. For that reason you may want to take a little more care in setting it up. The setup page is found […]
Let’s get you up and running as quickly as possible. These are the bare bones you need. Everything else can be added and modified later: Quickly run through the basic Site Settings Set up one or more Buildings Set up one or more Rental Units in those buildings Set Up […]
On the menu bar go to Manage -> Site Settings Here you will enter your basic business settings. Most of it is self-explanatory, but here are some notes: Your business probably has two names: the full legal name (e.g. Acme Ventures Ltd.) and your everyday ‘doing business as’ (DBA) name, […]